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Publisher: HarperCollins
Release Date: April 2003
ISBN: 0688163173
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Genre: Suspense
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Robyn Glazer
Reviewer Notes:

Shutter Island
By Dennis Lehane 

     On Shutter Island, there is a place feared by anybody who knows anything about it: Ashecroft Hospital, an institution for the criminally insane. Since only the most violent inmates get sent there, the security is supposed to be top notch. When the unlikely happens and a patient disappears, seemingly into thin air, U.S. Marshals are called to the scene. Teddy Daniels and Chuck Aule must find Rachel Solando before something tragic happens. However, nothing is what it seems on the island and there are many versions of the truth. Teddy Daniels must find out the real truth before he loses everything. To say anything more about the plot would be giving away too much.

     Shutter Island is a knockout book. I closed it only to immediately reopen it and start reading again. It got better the second time. The writing is smooth, without a flow, making it almost impossible to put down. The characters sucked me in to the point where I almost (but didn't) check the last page to see if they lived. I wish I could say more without ruining the essence of the book, but I can't. Suffice it to say that this is an unforgettable book.

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