Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Viking 
Release Date: 2003 
ISBN: 0670032166 
Format Reviewed: Hardcover 
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Genre: Mystery 
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Jen Oliver 
Reviewer Notes:  part of the Carson Springs Series

Wish Come True
By Eileen Goudge 

     Wish Come True welcomes readers back to Carson Springs, California. It introduces readers to Anna Vincenzi, a former overweight assistant, to her snobby actress sister, Monica. Anna is used to being behind the scenes--in her sister's shadows--until her sister is found murdered. Anna, with the help of several town people and a certain Dr. Marc Raboy, faces losing a sister and falling in love, while searching for a murderer.

     Despite this reader never reading any of the other Carson Springs novels, Wish Come True, does not leave the reader wondering who the characters are in the book and describes each character with their own unique characteristics. Ms. Goudge makes the reader feel welcome in Carson Springs, while also keeping the reader on edge as they try to hunt down a murderer. There are plenty of suspects for the murder, and the reader is not quite sure until Anna herself finds out.

     Wish Come True is not just a murder mystery; it is also the heart-felt story of Anna, who has overcome several obstacles within herself as she looks for that special someone to share her life with.