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Publisher: Harvest House
Release Date: Jan 2004
ISBN: 0736912932
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre:   Christian mystery
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Barbara Buhrer
Reviewer Notes:  

Quarter for a Kiss  
A Million Dollar Mystery, No. 4  
By Mindy Starns Clark

      Heartbroken by the death of her husband in a boating accident several years ago, Callie Webber is beginning to come to terms with her future. She investigates non-profit groups for grant suitability for the JOSHUA Foundation. She is starting a relationship with Tom Bennett, her boss and the philanthropist behind the JOSHUA Foundation.

      They are spending a vacation together building a strong relationship. Tom introduces her to his favorite hobby, mountain climbing while Callie does the same with canoeing. Their vacation is abruptly ended when they receive a message from Eli Gold, Callie's mentor and Tom's friend. Eli has been shot and his last words were to ask for their help.

      Tom and Callie find that Eli has been tracking a woman he thought he had killed when he was working with NSA. Their search for the reason for the attack on Eli leads them to the Caribbean island of St.John and a trail of secret identities, betrayal and marketing in stolen art.

      This is the fourth book in this series. It is listed as a Christian romance-mystery. The mystery takes precedence over the Christian element with Callie and Tom drawing on their faith to give them confidence. The characters are real, with their development deepening with the continuing story. The emotions of Callie and Tom toward each other, and their concern about the fate of their friend, Eli, are intense. The pace of the action is fast, with the suspense building to a peak to the last page.

      The descriptions of St.John are so vivid the reader may feel he is actually there.