Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Bubbles A Broad

by Sarah Strohmeyer

      I love a good mystery, but I adore one that is loaded with humor. Bubbles A Broad certainly has plenty of both-mystery and humor. Bubbles Yablonsky is a beautician, and she apparently has it all: good looks, men falling at her feet (literally), lots of friends-and a few enemies.

When she is beset with bullets in her bed, an escaped "jailbird" waiting for her when she arrives home, and being forced into moving into the home of the handsomest man in town-for her own safety, of course-the fun is just beginning.

The bevy of characters are delightfully devilish, the plot is filled with more twists and turns than a rollercoaster, and the whodunit is... Well, I'm not going to spoil it for you. You have to read it yourself.

This is not the first Bubbles Yablonsky mystery, but it was not hard to follow it, even though I had not read the previous ones. I will definitely hunt them up, now, though. It was a very fun ride. Highly recommended.

The Book

March 2005
Mass market paperback
Cozy Mystery / contemporary
More at

The Reviewer

Janet Elaine Smith
Reviewed 2005
NOTE: Reviewer Janet Elaine Smith writes for 12 magazines (both online and print) and is the author of 14 published books. Her latest book is Pampas, a romantic intrigue set in Argentina.
© 2005