Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Bishop in the Old Neighborhood
A Blackie Ryan mystery

by Andrew M Greeley

      The neighborhod of St.Lucy's, an old church in the heart of Chicago, is undergoing gentrification. Some members of the community are opposed to the improvements, feeling they will disrupt and displace the low income families of the community.

Three dead bodies, stripped, mutilated and shot are left in the church's sanctuary. Sean Cardinal Cronin, before leaving for the Vatican for his visit with the Pope, sends Bishop "Blackie" Ryan to investigate. Blackie fears that this atrocity is only the beginning of the campaign of terror against St. Lucy and its head, Pan Mikail Wolodyjowski, who had in the past saved the church and its school from extinction. There are many factions at work, and Ryan must enlist the aid of smart young cop Declan O'Donnell and of Camilla Datillo, the Assistant State's Attorney of Sicilian origin. Declan recalls his childhood encounters with Camilla and finds himself in love with her, and is trying to win her love. Together, the three attempt to save the community and the church.

The story is a delight with an equal amount of mystery, romance and religion. The characters are well drawn with human attributes. The references to the Church and Cardinal Cronin are witty and sardonic. Following the progress of Declan's pursuit (courtship?) of Camilla is heartwarming and amusing. As always, Blackie is a lively priest-turned-detective whose loyalty, advice and ability to see human frailties continue to make him a character to treasure.

The Book

Nov 2005
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The Reviewer

Barbara Buhrer
Reviewed 2006
© 2006