Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Burglar in the Closet
A Bernie Rhodenbarr Mystery, No. 2

by Lawrence Block

      Bernie Rhodenbarr is astounded when his dentist, Dr. Craig Sheldrake, asks him to steal a cache of jewels from the apartment of his ex-wife, Crystal. Bernie thought his "vocation" was a secret. He has a compulsion to earn his living by breaking into other people's living spaces and stealing their stuff. He isn't proud of what he does, doesn't like to hang out with criminals, but he gets a thrill out of breaking and entering.

Bernie finally agrees to Sheldrake's request, but instead of going to Crystal's apartment at the time he agreed, he goes there two nights ahead. He picks the lock on her apartment and collects the jewels and any loose money available, putting it in a blue suede attaché case. As he is about to leave, Crystal comes home early, but she isn't alone. Bernie's only available hiding place is the closet. He remains there while Crystal entertains her companion. After her companion leaves, Crystal decides to take a shower, but first locks the closet door. Eventually Bernie picks the lock, and finds Crystal dead on the floor with a dental instrument stuck in her chest and the attaché case with the jewels and other loot missing.

Now he must turn into an investigator to find out who murdered Crystal, as he is about to be accused of the crime. He enlists the aid of Jillian Parr, Sheldrake's dental hygienist, to try to get a lead on Crystal's murderer. He must outwit corrupt NYPD officer Ray Kirschmann who insists on half of the cache that Bernie no longer has.

This is a well written highly entertaining read about a likeable scoundrel. You can't help but like Bernie and have to cheer when he clears his name. The dialogue is witty. The action is fast paced. And the finale is spectacular.

Place Bernie on your list of characters to watch.....

The Book

Harper Torch
May 2006 [reprint of l997]
10 digit ISBN: 006087273X
13 digit ISBN: 9780060872731
More at

The Reviewer

Barbara Buhrer
Reviewed 2006
© 2006