Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Some Like It Haute

by Julie K L Dam

      Alex Simon, a former Texan, parlays her fashion know-how into a job writing articles for a respected London weekly. One of the perks of her job is attending the fashion shows in Paris each year. On the scene to report the yearly show, she starts off on the wrong foot by tripping on the catwalk and colliding with the top model. Overcome with shame, she retreats to her hotel room, refusing to appear in public. Only when her publicist friend gives her the week's hottest scoop about the disappearance of a brilliant new designer does Alex emerge from her self-imposed solitude. Then she meets Nick Snow, an American consultant who thumbs his nose at the fashion world. He is in town as a reality TV show star trying to obtain a date with a model. Together, they embark on a search for the missing designer.

Some Like It Haute is a lighthearted romp, giving us a humorous, inside look at the fashion world which is totally obsessed with itself. Alex herself is fashion-obsessed, both with clothes and footwear, but she is also smart, charming and witty. A knowledge of the names of the fashions, clothes, shoes, etc. helps in appreciating the many "in" references in the story. The dialogue is rapid-fire and the characters are superficial, with no depth, perhaps reflecting the fashion world itself?

For an escape from reality, this is an ideal quick read.

The Book

Warner Books
Feb 2006
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The Reviewer

Barbara Buhrer
Reviewed 2006
© 2006