Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Cat Deck the Halls
A Joe Grey Mystery, No. 13

by Shirley Rousseau Murphy

      Joe Grey, the big talking tomcat, is back to his sleuthing ways, along with his friends, Dulcie and Kit. All three cats can talk, but only the humans they live with know of their abilities. Occasionally one of the three will telephone the police with information. This time, it is Kit, the youngest of the three, that made the call.

It was a week before Christmas. Kit, as was her wont, was at the mall, running across the roofs. Suddenly, she caught the scent of death and human blood. It was so strong Kit knew it had to be nearby. She looked around and found a man lying in a pool of blood under the mall's Christmas tree. He was hidden by some of the gifts used in the display. But the thing that alarmed Kit the most was the little girl. She was alive and laying under the body of the dead man. Apparently the man died trying to protect her. From this distance, Kit couldn't tell. There was no way to get closer, so Kit headed for the nearest phone.

That phone was at the home of one her talking friends, Joe Grey. He listened as Kit reported what she'd seen to the police. They waited by the phone until they heard the sirens. Then they got upon the roof to watch. They were joined by the other talking cat, Dulcie.

Cat Deck the Halls is a great mystery, with all kinds of plot twists. The talking cats add to the story. There is no doubt that these kitties are fully involved in police investigations, even though the police are unaware of it. They only know they have three informants they know only as voices on the phone.

Through the search for a missing body, keeping a little girl safe, and finding a killer, the cats are there. They are also on hand to protect their humans when the killer is revealed. Read Cat Deck the Halls and delight your favorite mystery lovers this Christmas with an enjoyable gift. Merry Christmas and happy reading!

The Book

William Morrow / HarperCollins
October 30, 2007
Mystery / Cozy
More at
NOTE: Contains violence
Holiday read: Christmas

The Reviewer

Jo Rogers
Reviewed 2007
© 2007