Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Death on the Flop
Poker Mystery Series, No. 1

by Jackie Chance

      Belinda has been short on luck. She lost her fiancé and her job. She was feeling very forty, very tired, and very unattractive. She needed a vacation. So when her twin brother, Ben, invites her to Las Vegas, she decides, hesitantly, that it may be what she needs. Ben is into Texas Hold’em, and has entered one of the biggest tournaments in the country. Belinda, on the other hand, knows nothing about poker, nor Vegas, nor anything else on the liberal side of life, and so the table is set for a "Bridget Jones meets Viva Las Vegas" story to develop.

Things change when Belinda crosses Steely Stan, an infamous, chauvinistic poker star with a hazy past, who may be involved in much more than just poker. Hours later, she finds her hotel room empty, carpet bloodied, and Ben missing.

She turns to Frank, a mysterious middle-aged security agent whom she met the night before. He knows his way around Vegas and quickly tells her what limited options she has. Too many cops are crooked, so going to the police is not an option, especially if Stan may be involved. So she is forced to trust him and his deep connections as they try to solve the crime together. Part of their plan includes Belinda entering the tournament in Ben's place, which is the best way for the new tandem to keep an eye on Stan. Things get very interesting after that.

For a mystery this is relatively light reading, and I found it quite enjoyable. Not only that, but it’s also somewhat educational, especially for someone unfamiliar with the increasingly popular Texas Hold'em. The Vegas background adds color to the story and the main characters are certainly likable, especially Frank, whom one could easily picture as an aging James Bond-type retiring Elvis-like to the bright lights of Sin City. Just when the plot seems to draw to a typical conclusion a series of unexpected twists are thrown in, and the book ends with a bang. Overall, this is a good mystery superimposed on a quite entertaining read. Mystery fans will not be disappointed.

The Book

02 Jan 2007
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NOTE: Review 1

The Reviewer

John Washburn
Reviewed 2007
NOTE: Reviewer John Washburn is the author of When Evil Prospers.
© 2006