Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Edge of the Battle

by Dale Brown

      Four border patrol agents and ten illegal immigrants are found brutally murdered just north of the Mexico border. The evidence shows this to be more than just an attempted drug-run gone bad, instead suggesting the involvement of mercenaries. The President responds by increasing border security and putting American troops on the border to aid the Border Patrol. But the situation only escalates. There is more confrontation and more violence, which peaks when a US Marine helicopter is shot down by a Mexican F-5 fighter jet while trying to apprehend a suspected terrorist.

Task Force TALON, America’s fierce state-of-the-art anti-terrorist organization, assumes the role of tracking down those responsible. They discover that the Consortium - a villainous Russian terrorist organization that has attacked America in the past - has teamed up with a Mexican revolutionary named Commadante Veracruz with the intent of putting America in their mutual crosshairs. Veracruz hopes to incite a Mexican revolution within the borders of the American southwest, while the Consortium simply hopes to incite chaos with mass destruction. Of course, they eventually turn on each other, and what ensues is a three-way battle with America’s security up for grabs.

This is an enjoyable read in a genre that has always appealed to me. The politics at times seem awfully one-sided, with America painted as a gluttonous nation getting rich on immigrant labor. In context, however, this doesn’t seem inappropriate, given the fact that several of the characters are America-hating foreign nationals. But I did raise a slight eyebrow about the Russian terrorists. Is this an attempt at political correctness, or is Brown just wanting to do something a little different? I don’t know, but I don’t think the story suffered because of it.

Brown’s use of action and the glimpses he gives us of future warfare make this book quite attractive. And, of course, the political component of the story is timely. The notion that a few Mexican revolutionaries could potentially team up with terrorists in light of our current open border situation does indeed make for an intriguing story line, and Brown’s style does the story much justice. Overall, Brown has put together a timely and fascinating portrayal of what could become of our chaotic immigration problems, and any fan of military thrillers will certainly enjoy this one.

The Book

April 24, 2007
Mass Market Paperback / Reprint edition
0060753080 / 978-0060753085
Action / Military / Thriller
More at

The Reviewer

John Washburn
Reviewed 2007
NOTE: Reviewer John Washburn is the author of When Evil Prospers.
© 2006