Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Ransomed Dreams
Defenders of Hope Series Book One

by Amy Wallace

      Ransomed Dreams is both heartbreaking and full of hope. Amy Wallace writes powerfully and with great wisdom. Ransomed Dreams is a genuine and moving story. It gives a realistic view into the Christian's mind and life. It's also full of suspense that keeps you wondering what's going to happen next. It brings to light the lies we tell ourselves and believe. It also reveals what forgiveness is all about, that it is not an instantaneous thing. It's a process that takes time to work through. Life is both good and bad. There's much to be gained in embracing both. A powerful and realistic novel.

On New Years Eve, Gracie Lang loses her husband of seven years and her two children in a car accident. Someone in a raging black truck had ripped her family away from her in the blink of an eye. Two years later, Gracie is still trying to find the man responsible. Not making any progress with the police, she hires a private investigator. Meanwhile, the man responsible for the accident has been watching her.

Steven Kessler is an FBI Agent and head of the crimes against children division. He's a single father to James who is entering into the first grade at Hope Ridge Academy. Gracie is the first grade teacher at Hope Ridge Academy and she and Steven begin dating. Steven is investigating the abduction and murder of Olivia Kensington, 17 year old daughter of the British Ambassador to the United States. Victoria Kensington (Olivia's young sister) is also a student in Gracie's first grade class.

Someone's got quite a grudge against the Kensingtons and Victoria's life is very much in danger.

Gracie's life is also in danger from Tom, the man responsible for the car accident that claimed her family's lives. He'll go to any lengths to prevent Gracie from uncovering the truth of what really happened that horrible night.

Steven is dealing with custody issues with his ex-wife and wavering in his faith in God as well as seeking justice for the Kensington family.

The Book

Multinomah Books
April 17, 2007
Trade Paper
Christian Fiction/Suspense
More at

The Reviewer

Connie Harris
Reviewed 2007
© 2006