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Ruddy Gore
A Phryne Fisher Mystery, Book # 7

by Kerry Greenwood

      Phryne Fisher is on her way to a gala performance of Gilbert and Sullivan’s Ruddigore when she is set upon by brigands. After handling herself with her usual style and aplomb, she discovers that she has rescued a handsome Chinese man and his grandmother. Hastening along to the operetta, it is perhaps not surprising that once again she is in the middle of another murder. The leading man has been poisoned, and as Phryne is a friend of the theater’s manager naturally she agrees to find out whodunit.

The seventh book in this delightful and unique series is as fresh and engaging as the first six. Having a different situation for each book makes good sense, and theaters always make for a good setting. As with the circus in the last book, once again Ms Greenwood has managed to get under the skin of theater life and theater folk, evoking a bygone era of sawdust and greasepaint. G&S has its own mystique, and adding a murder mystery and Chinese gangs to this heady mix gives any author enough material to fill at least one fat book. But Ms Greenwood has once again triumphed over verbosity and instead here is the usual slim volume, but bursting with plot, character and color. Anybody contemplating writing just about any type of novel ought to read some of these books to see how it is done... very highly recommended.

The Book

Poisoned Pen Press
July 2007
Historical Crime [1928, Melbourne, Australia]
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The Reviewer

Rachel A Hyde
Reviewed 2007
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