Another Review at MyShelf.Com

A Bucket of Ashes
A Gilded Age Mystery #6

by P.B. Ryan

      P.B. Ryan brings readers the final chapter of the Guilded Age series. This may be why Nell’s personal life takes lead over the mystery. Nell’s recent lover, Will Hewitt, goes abroad once he discovers a secret she’d been hiding. Enter a past lover - Dr. Greaves. While on vacation with the family she works for, Nell runs into Dr. Greaves, who knows her past secret and offers to help with her most recent one.

The mystery in this storyline involves Nell’s long lost brother. The questions are: is the burned body really her brother? And, if so, was he involved in the murder of a woman? Hopefully the conclusion of this mystery helps Nell to move on.

Nell is portrayed as a strong protagonist - a model governess with a superior mind-set. She had a difficult upraising and lost many of her loved ones. She chooses intelligent men with weaknesses. Now her neglect to protect herself could be her undoing. Fans are looking for a happy ending.

A Bucket of Ashes is an interesting read. It’s the conclusion of a series, so there are spoilers involved. If you haven’t read the first titles in series, I recommend you do. Bryan’s historical atmosphere is spot on. It’s a memorable look into the Gilded Age. I can’t help but recommend this series to those who enjoy cozy type historical mystery series.

The Book

December 4, 2007
0425218732 / 978-0425218730
Historical mystery
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The Reviewer

Brenda Weeaks
Reviewed 2008
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