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It Only Takes a Moment

by Mary Jane Clark

      What do you do when you live in the limelight of the media and your only child is kidnapped from her summer camp? Eliza Blake finds herself faced with this dilemma when her daughter Janie, only seven years old, is taken from her summer camp in New Jersey. Eliza is the hostess of a top-rated morning show who decides to not sit and wait around for the media, the kidnappers, or the FBI to do their jobs. Months of fan letters are searched and several acres are looked through for any signs of Janie. Will Eliza and her friends be able to track down the kidnappers before it’s too late?

It Only Takes a Moment is a strong novel about every parent's worst nightmare—the kidnapping of their child. Unlike in most suspense novels dealing with kidnappers, the characterization of Eliza Blake is strong. And, unlike most parents who are put in that situation, she doesn't just sit around and wait, she takes action. The background of New York City and New Jersey isn't as important as it would be in other novels. The suspense is subtle and well-developed. The ending is a little surprising, but makes sense in the scheme of the novel.

It Only Takes a Moment isn't necessarily for everyone. Some parents might feel very uncomfortable reading a book about the kidnapping of a child, but it is well-written and worth the read.

The Book

William Morrow
July 29, 2008
Mystery, Suspense
More at

The Reviewer

Jen Oliver
Reviewed 2008
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