Another Review at MyShelf.Com


by Lawrence Alexander

      Senator Bobby Hart, California Democrat, gets word from his friend, Dieter Shoenfeld, publisher of one of Europe's most influential journals, that his sources indicate terrorists are planning a strike as the US Presidential race speeds up.  Their strike has been named "Rubicon."  (For the uninformed reader: Rubicon is the river Caesar crossed with his army when he decided to seize power in Rome).

A suicide bomber in Los Angeles kills the Democratic nominee, while the leading Republican candidate suffers the same fate in Atlanta.

While Shoenfeld is at Hart's house to supply further information, gunmen invade the home, kill him, but fail to find Hart.  To discover the information Shoenfeld had been about to divulge, Hart secretly goes to Damascus to Shoenfeld's source.  There he learns that the killings are not the result of Islamic extremists but are part of a secret plan (Rubicon) to murder presidential candidates before the election to postpone the election indefinitely.   The Vice President has created an intelligence network to provide data supporting whatever the administration wants and has hatched a plot to maintain the president in office indefinitely.

Hart and Ryan, Hart's friend and a Republican Senator, with supporters, bring suit in the Supreme Court against the President to support the Constitution’s mandate to hold elections at a definite time.

Rubicon is a thinly disguised picture of the current Bush administration.  There are many similarities between the book's Republican administration and the Bush administration.  Alexander captures the sense of entitlement to power exhibited by the Bush crowd.

The story is fast paced and an enjoyable read.  The cooperation between Hart and his Republican fellow Senator Charles Ryan is a powerful one with a passionate plea before the Supreme Court as a stirring climax.

The premise behind the plot is a frightening one.  Could this happen here?  Is it happening here?

The Book

William Morrow
May 6, 2008
Political thriller
More at

The Reviewer

Barbara Buhrer
Reviewed 2008
© 2008