Another Review at MyShelf.Com


by Dick Francis and Felix Francis

      London barrister Geoffrey Mason (known at the racetrack as "Perry") hopes to win the silk as Queen's Counsel.  He has already won the silk as an amateur steeplechase rider.

In the courtroom, his client Julian Trent was found guilty and threatened revenge.  Now Trent's verdict has been overturned, leaving him free to attack Mason and trash his home.

When champion jockey Steve Mitchell is accused of murdering his rival, Scot Barlow, Mason takes on his defense.   He receives a series of threatening notes ordering him to lose the case.  He attributes them to Trent, but soon suspects there is someone else behind them. With the help of veterinarian Eleanor Clarke, with whom he is beginning to find a life again after the death of is wife, Mason must find the truth behind the threats.

In a dramatic courtroom revelation, all is resolved.

Once again in Silks, Francis has given us a stellar book. Collaborating again with his son, Felix, he has captured his readers from the starting gate to the finish line.  In my opinion (for what it is worth) Francis has never failed to give his faithful readers a book with a solid plot, constant action and suspense, with a protagonist you cannot help but admire. Silks is no exception.

Famous locales, race tracks and pubs form an excellent background for the story.  There is a history of English courts and law, giving an insight into the lawyers' minds.  Racing is at a minimum in this effort.

We can only hope that Dick Francis will continue to entertain us for many years to come...

The Book

August 26, 2008
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The Reviewer

Barbara Buhrer
Reviewed 2008
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