Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Angel Singers
Book #12 of the Dick Hardesty Mystery series

by Dorien Grey


Dick Hardesty returns in a new mystery from Zumaya Boundless. In the twelfth installment, The Angel Singers, Hardesty becomes embroiled in the in-fighting in the Gay Men's Chorus when his partner, Jonathan Quinlan, joins. At first, Hardesty chalks up the turmoil as normal differences that happen when a lot of creative egos are involved. However, this time, it seems to center around new member Grant Jefferson. Jefferson is the protégé of the chorus's biggest supporter, who takes pleasure in sowing discord and trying to further his musical career. When Jefferson and his powder-blue Porsche blow up, Hardesty is asked by the chorus board to investigate. The only problem is there are fifty-plus suspects in the chorus alone!

Besides unrolling a tantalizing cozy mystery with a real glimpse into the not-so-glamorous office of a private investigator, The Angel Singers offers readers a look at the importance of singing groups such as the Gay Men's Chorus to gay communities all across this country. Not only do they offer wonderful concerts for their audiences of gay and non-gay choral music fans, but they also provide a positive social experience for their members and offer support and identity to the gay community.

As with other Dick Hardesty mysteries, I have come to enjoy the warm home life between Hardesty and his partner, who are raising Quinlan's five-year-old nephew, Joshua. Their arrangement is novel for the time period in which the mystery series is set, the mid-1980s, when AIDS and the push for gay rights came to the public's attention. The normalcy of parenting between same-sex partners is so refreshing and their struggles with a squiggly pre-schooler mirror a lot of my own memories of child-raising, except by the time I had a five-year-old, I also had a two-year-old.

I really enjoyed The Angel Singers. The mystery is fast-paced, and the gossip of the chorus members is delicious. And, I always enjoy seeing more into the lives of Hardesty and Quinlan. Highly recommended.

The Book

Zumaya Boundless
August 28, 2008
Trade paperback
1934841064 / 978-1934841068
More at

The Reviewer

Janie Franz
Reviewed 2009
NOTE: Reviewer Janie Franz is the author of Freelance Writing: It’s a Business, Stupid!and co-author of The Ultimate Wedding Reception Book and The Ultimate Wedding Ceremony Book.
© 2009