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The Chronicles of Sherlock Holmes

by Paul D Gilbert

      Conan Doyle is recorded as having said, "do what you like with him," and since that utterance a lot of authors have done just that.  One popular topic for additions to the canon is to speculate what might have happened in those cases alluded to by Watson but never written up.  In this book are seven stories in which you can find out who or what was meant by the Red Leech, why a crutch made of aluminum was found by a dead man, the nature of Baron Maupertuis and why a famous duelist and journalist was found struck mad near a worm unknown to science.

I can never resist reading about Sherlock and Watson, and those unwritten suggestions of tales made great subjects for more stories.  Mr. Gilbert has got the style of writing spot on, and is able to quickly set a scene that brings his writing to life.  Missing somewhat is the magic ingredient which lifts Conan Doyle’s own writing into the realms of the classics.  This was his talent to not merely write crime stories with a twist, but also to introduce elements of the bizarre and the grotesque.  That is what makes them so memorable. But Mr. Gilbert does make quite a good job of coming up with imaginative plots and bringing them to fruition within an admirably brief number of pages.

The Book

Robert Hale
November 2008
0709086873 / 9780709086871
Mystery / Late 19th century London and Various Locations, England
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The Reviewer

Rachel A Hyde
Reviewed 2009
© 2009