Another Review at MyShelf.Com


By Warren Fahy 

        They may not be as mammoth as the creatures of Isla Nublat, the island setting of “Jurassic Park”, but the critters that reside on Henders Island in the South Pacific are just as memorable and lethal.
A fragment of a lost continent that has been hidden from view and scrutiny for ages has been rediscovered by a team of scientists. About to experience an ecosystem unlike any they have ever seen before, the team of a long-range research vessel is about to have the adventure of a lifetime.

As they set about cataloguing a set of creatures unlike any ever recorded, they must keep their wits about them, for what good is it to make this awe-inspiring discovery if they don’t live long enough to share it?

And, if one of the team is correct and they have stumbled upon a “genetic knob” that can be used to tweak and reset “the timer of human life”, do they really wish to do so?

A cautionary tale of the same ilk as Michael Crichton’s “Jurassic Park”, Warren Fahy’s novel raises some serious issues about genetic tampering and the serious, negative evolutionary consequences it could have.  

From start to finish this captivating read will have you frantically flipping pages as you follow the bizarre events that unfold on this very remarkable and scary island.  

The Book

Dell / Random House
June  2010
More at

The Reviewer

Bob Walch
Reviewed 2010
© 2010