Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Come and Find Me
Hallie Ephron

William and Morrow
March 22, 2011/ ISBN 0061857521
Mystery / Thriller

Reviewed by Susan Johnson

Diana Highsmith lost her husband over a year ago in a skiing accident in the Switzerland Alps. The shock and devastation has left her severely depressed and agoraphobic, unable to leave her home. Diana has built a virtual computer world where she lives through an avatar named Nadia. Nadia is a strong and dominating character who can do anything, anything that Diana cannot.

As a computer security expert, and now reformed hacker, Diana has set up her home as a fortress. She lives a virtual life through her computer while making her living with her friend and partner doing the actual outside work. She attends meetings as her alter ego Nadia online.

One of her few contacts with the outside world is her sister Ashley. When her sister goes missing, Diana will do anything in her power to find her and make sure she is safe, even if that means leaving the safety of her home and computer built fortress. Once out in the world and using her skills and contacts from the computer, Diana discovers that everything is not as it seems and danger is just a step away.

As a recovered agoraphobic I could feel the anxiousness and terror of Dianna’s situation. The horror that just stepping outside ones front door and leaving their comfort zone can produce. Dianna had to do it for her sister and doing it was so believable every step of the way. I found myself breaking out in a cold sweat with her. Now that is true and good writing.

Reviewer's Note: Review 1 by Bob Walch
Reviewed 2011
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