Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Iron River
Charlie Hood Series, No 4
T. Jefferson Parker

New American Library
January 4, 2011/ ISBN 9780451232427

Reviewed by Jen Oliver


Charlie Hood is back…or is he? Mike Finnegan is waking up in a hospital with Charlie’s name and address…and with ninety thousand dollars in cash. Now why would Mike have Charlie’s information? Meanwhile, Charlie is tracking illegal guns in Mexico and gets caught up with the head of the Gulf Cartel, Benjamin Armenta. Can Charlie help Mike and save his own life before Armenta kills him as revenge for his son’s death?

T. Jefferson Parker always has a way of developing strong characters that seem to jump off the page and into your living room or on your television. Charlie’s characterization remains strong in this novel. The introduction of Mike Finnegan allows for readers to try guessing what exactly is going on, considering what is found in Mike’s possession.

Iron River is full of strong action, which is fitting given the current situation in Mexico. The setting of Mexico is appropriate for the story, given the illegal gun situation in Mexico. It makes sense to set this story in a country that borders the United States instead of using a country in the Middle East or South America.

Reviewed 2011
© 2011