Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Defending Jacob
William Landay

Delacorte Press
January 31, 2012 / ISBN 13: 978-0385344227

Reviewed by Beverly J. Rowe

A young boy is murdered. Assistant District Attorney Andy Barber has been with the D. A.'s office for more than twenty years, and his record on convictions is impeccable. He is anxious to find the boy's killer and get him behind bars, but when Andy's son, Jacob is accused of the murder, Andy's worst nightmare seems to be coming true.

Andy believes Jacob when he insists that he is innocent, and now the District Attorney removes Andy from the case. As the shocking facts of the case mount up, Andy and his wife, Laurie must protect their boy, at any cost. The dead boy was a known bully, and Jacob was one of his favorite targets. Then Andy's own hidden past comes to light and even Laurie seems to be taking sides against him.

Landay has written a novel that speaks to every parent. It makes you realize how quickly everything can change and your hopes and dreams can be shattered. How much don't you know about your own children?

A story of guilt, and betrayal, with thrilling courtroom scenes. The characters are fully developed and easily visualized. The plot is electrifying and mesmerizing. It comes to a conclusion that is a surprise. It certainly gave me things to think about for a long time to come.

Reviewer's Note: Courtroom/Family Drama. Reviewer read Kindle Edition. Read an excerpt
Reviewed 2012