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A Hard Death
An Edward Jenner Series, No 2
Jonathan Hayes

April 2011 / ISBN: 9780061691768

Reviewed by Barbara Buhrer

Forensic pathologist Edward Jenner hoped to move to Florida as a distraction from a serial killer in his past but he has been embroiled in another death and investigation. He is in Port Fontaine as a temporary pathologist. Jenner·s first case is the murder of his former mentor and regular medical examiner whose position he is temporarily filling, Martin Roborn. The bodies of Roborn and his wife are recovered from a sunken car. There are signs of torture. Jenner also finds decomposing bodies of migrant workers in the Everglades. He works with a local detective connecting Port Fontaine·s richest man with the migrant workers and the lucrative drug trade.

A Hard Death is a forensic thriller with a compelling plot. The characters are well portrayed. There is a lot of action. The story moves in a rapid pace. There are vivid descriptions of the forensic procedures and of the locale. Highly recommended.

Reviewed 2012
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