Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Last Justice
Anthony J Franze

Sterling and Ross
February 7, 2012/ ISBN: 9780982139189
Legal thriller

Reviewed by Barbara Buhrer

Shots resonated in the Supreme Court courtroom as a man fired his gun killing six of the Supreme Court justices. In the ensuing confusion the assailant escaped.

Why? Is this a protest against a previous Court decision? Is this an attempt to delay/or influence a pending Court case? Or is this aimed personally against the Justices or one in particular?

The government's top lawyer in the Supreme Court, Solicitor General Jefferson McKenna is appointed to investigate the murders. With the assistance of his deputy Kate Porter he tries to find the answers. While the Congress decides who the replacements will be. They dig deep into the private lives of the Justices and into previous cases of the Court.

Allegations arise questioning McKenna's integrity, accusations of bribery, and casting doubt that he can conduct an impartial investigation. The investigation uncovers corruption, deception, and secrets best unrevealed.

The Last Justice is a well written, fast moving, and suspenseful legal thriller. There are many interesting and fascinating details about the Supreme Court that adds to the action. The plot is an intriguing one, giving the reader an inside look at one of our government's venerable institutions.

Reviewer's Note:
Reviewed 2012
© 2012