Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Those Across the River
Christopher Buehlman

Ace Hardcover
September 6, 2011 / ISBN: 0441020674
Horror / Mystery

Reviewed by Nicole Merritt

The first page tells you that it's going to be a nail biter. "You're going to die out here," he said. "But that's not what happened," tells you it's going to be a bumpy ride. So, hold on to your seat as you begin this suspenseful story.

The story starts out innocently enough with the drive up to the house on a beautiful hot day, where Frankie and Eudora sit in the driveway admiring their newly inherited canary yellow house. They can't believe that it is theirs, and as the movers unload their belongings, they talk of a gay future ahead of them. That's where the fun stops, or begins, depending on how you look at it.

The story unfolds in Whitbrow, Georgia, where every month the town holds The Chase, an old ritual. Writing about his grandfather, an evil man, Frankie is drawn to the past and revealed secrets.

Those Across the River was a good story. I'm not so sure that I thought it was a great story. The writing was prose like and painted a picture, but the horror of it was lost in the light writing. But I did like it. Pick it up and see what you think.

Reviewed 2012
© 2012