Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Gently In Trees
The Inspector George Gently Case Files - Book XVIII
Alan Hunter

Robinson (Constable and Robinson)
21 November 2013 / ISBN-13: 9781472108715
Genre Mystery / 1974 / Norfolk, England
Amazon US - UK

Reviewed by Rachel A Hyde

Film director Adrian Stoll has been found dead in his camper van, gassed as he slept, after an evening filming badgers in the woods near his home. Gently starts to investigate and soon discovers many suspects - his wife, her daughter, his cousin, his mistress…

However, with many of these most enjoyable books I read it is always Mr. Hunter's way with words that I carry away with me when the final page has been turned. This time he focuses his descriptive prowess on the beauty and attraction of trees and woods. He mentions the place is drawn from life and it certainly shows. You are there with him in those woods as one of the suspects waxes lyrical about trees. The reader is also led on quite a chase as the multitude of suspects all have reasons to want the victim dead and I didn't guess it. We get to see a character from an earlier book again some years on, and after the rather claustrophobic settings for the last two books, this one is set both in London and rural Norfolk. As usual, there is plenty to enjoy, while the inimitable Gently lets the suspects think they are in charge while of course, the opposite is true. A series to treasure.

Reviewed 2013