Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Private L.A.
Private /Jack Morgan # 6
James Patterson, Mark Sullivan
Read by Jay Snyder

Grand Central
July 8, 2014/ ISBN 1478953829
Suspense / Audiobook / CDs & Audible Download / Unabridged
Note: Excessive violence and profanity

Reviewed by Brenda Weeaks


If you haven’t tried the Private series, you should. Jack Morgan is a compelling lead character. His Investigation firm assists celebrities, business companies, and even the government in extreme situations that could turn deadly, and they generally do.

Morgan gets a call from one of his biggest clients, Sherman Wilkerson. Sherman hired Morgan’s firm to reorganize security at Wilkerson Data Systems, but this problem has nothing to do with data systems. Wilkerson has four bodies on his beach in Malibu and it looks like murder. Morgan wants to make sure his client doesn’t take the fall on this one. An old friend in the Sheriff’s department allows Morgan access to the murder site. What they come away with is a card that says NO PRISONERS. What looks like one killer turns out to be many and that’s just the beginning of this violent, mind-blowing ride. No one is safe….

Morgan is also hired to assist with a Hollywood power couple who disappeared without a trace. When I heard the description of Thom and Jennifer Harlow and their family, I thought this sounds like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. The thought of the similarity to them didn’t detour me from taking the storyline seriously. Morgan meets the actors’ family and employees. They also investigate the compound and that’s when things get just plain weird. This tread is weaved expertly throughout the original storyline. You just can’t figure out who the bad guy really is…

Also, Jack Morgan’s personal life picks up from the last in series concerning his brother, who takes after their no-good late father. Fair warning, there are spoilers concerning the last titles in this series. Morgan and the secondary characters on his team are dependable and strong. Watching the changes they go through can actually be thought-provoking, such as, the team psychologist Justine when she suffers PTSD and makes some bad decisions.

I really enjoy listening to Patterson’s Private series. Private LA is another that doesn’t disappoint. The storylines are gripping, and I tend to either favor or absolutely dislike a character. One character I dislike is Jack Morgan’s brother. I tend to favor Morgan, even with his faults. Morgan’s team is a winner; they’re hard-hitting, yet human. I’m trying to warm up to Justine. Her non-relationship with Morgan gets tedious at times.

Jay Snyder narrates the audio version. His narration adds to the intensity of the storyline and delivers Patterson’s characters in the light they are written; without a doubt, a suburb narration.

Reviews of other titles in this series

Jack Morgan

Private, #1 [Audio] - [Book] (US)
#1 Suspect, #2 [Audio] (US)
Private LA, #6 [Audio] (US)
Private Vegas #9 [Audio] (US)


Private Games, #3 [Audio] (England)
Private London
#4[Audio] (England)
Private Berlin, #5
[Audio] (Germany)
Private Down Under, #7 [Audio] (Australia)
Private India: City of Fire #8 [Audio] (India)
Private Royal #11 [Audio] (England)
Private Missing #12 [Audio] (Australia)
Private Paris #12.5 [Audio] (Paris/US)
Count to Ten #13 [Audio] (India)

Reviewed 2014