Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Mr Dickens and his Carol
BY Samantha Silva

Allison and Busby
18 October 2018/ ISBN 9780749022785

Reviewed by Rachel A Hyde


Dickens thought he was on top of his game, but with Martin Chuzzlewit unpopular with the public his publishers are not happy. He is told to write something for Christmas, but he only has a short time to do this and bills to pay. Meanwhile, his family and friends all expect him to come up with the funds for an epic Christmas, so no wonder it all gets to be too much for him and he wants out…

This book is best read on a winter evening by the fire, telling as it does of ghosts, mysteries and, of course, Christmas. Maybe this is not quite what befell Dickens as he wrote A Christmas Carol, but it is certainly in the spirit of it. Anybody who has read the book will recognize that this story is written in the same style (no mean feat), and it conjures up many almost tangible images of early Victorian London. Poverty and affluence are side by side, and the dark streets are ideal settings for some mysterious events. The portraits of the Dickens family and their friends (and rivals) are based on fact and spring to life rather, again, in the style of characters from his stories. It won’t take you long to read it, and I can promise a surprise or two in store as well as a Christmassy feeling, whatever time of the year you read it. Well told, enjoyable and an impressive debut from this new author.

Reviewed 2019