Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Written Off
Forensic Handwriting # 7
Sheila Lowe

CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
September 19, 2017/ ISBN 978-1976507915

Reviewed by Robin Thomas

Claudia Rose, handwriting expert, is back in Written Off, the seventh installment in the Handwriting Mystery series. She is in the throes of planning her wedding when her close friend Zebediah needs a favor. Madeleine Maynard, a colleague of Zebediah’s and also his ex-wife, has been murdered. Before Madeleine died, Zebediah had promised to finish the book that she was writing. Claudia agrees to go to Maine to retrieve the manuscript for her friend.

Sounds pretty easy, but when an unsolved murder is involved there are always complications and danger. Claudia decides to stay in Madeleine’s home during the short time that she is in Maine.

Hayden, one of Madeleine’s students, is living in the house. Hayden is also a member of Maynard’s Maniacs, a small group of students hand selected by the professor to be part of her special project. With the help Zebediah, Claudia finds not only the missing manuscript but also research papers that are very disturbing and raise a number of ethical concerns. Now that she has the manuscript, Claudia has one last interview to conduct and then she can head back home in time to spend New Year’s Eve with her fiancé, Joel Jovanic. Unfortunately, the weather throws a wrench in her plans. While stuck in Maine, Claudia is exposed to college politics, the relationships and personalities of each of the members of Maynard’s Maniacs, and the appearance of an unknown heir to Madeline’s estate who possesses an updated handwritten will. Claudia puts her handwriting analysis skills to work helping the police chief in validating the will. At times it seems like Madeline’s ghost has returned to her home but as the story unfolds, it becomes clear that there are many secrets hidden in the house to include the answer to who killed Professor Maynard. Sheila Lowe channels her own expertise as a forensic handwriting expert with a graduate degree in Psychology into Claudia Rose. She uses her knowledge and expertise to give her character credibility, but does not overwhelm the reader with technical jargon. The solving of the whodunit is expertly set in the professor’s mansion and the cabin where her body was found.

Written Off is a fantastic read that is enjoyable as a standalone but I am sure that, if this is the first taste of this series, it will not be your last.


Reviewed 2018