Another Review at MyShelf.Com

A Death Long Overdue
Lighthouse Mystery Series #7
BY Eva Gates

Crooked Lane
October 6, 2020/ ISBN 978-1-64385-458-8

Reviewed by Laura Hinds

Summer in the Outer Banks of North Carolina is always teeming with tourists. There is a special group in town though, and they are all coming to the Lighthouse Library to celebrate Bertie James’s 40th college class anniversary. What could possibly go wrong when a group comprised of librarians or former librarians getting together at a library?

Bernie is the director of the library, and Lucy Richardson is one of the librarians. Helen Sanchez isn’t part of the college class reunion, but she attends the event anyway. Helen was the previous director of the Lighthouse Library and is back in town for a short visit. She didn’t realize how short it would be.

Helen is not well-liked to say the least. It is pitch dark when the ladies go for a walk down the boardwalk to the pier, and they return short one woman. Helen has fallen into the water and drowned. Did she fall or was she murdered? Based on an injury it is determined that she is, in fact, a murder victim.

As an amateur sleuth with more than a few solved murders under her belt, Lucy decides to dig deeper. She learns about the disappearance of Jeff Applewhite right after a rare gem necklace was stolen back in 1995. Applewhite’s disappearance may prove to be an important link to what happened to Helen. Lucy is determined to figure it out!

As always, I enjoyed this Lighthouse Library story. Eva Gates continues to bring new twists and turns to the series, and I’m already looking forward to the next book.

I love the characters, both human and the feline. Charlie the library cat is as independent as ever and remains an important character. There’s romance afoot with Lucy and Connor. The annoying Louise Jane is still spouting her ghost stories and the Lighthouse Library remains a steadfast beacon even in the face of murder.

A Death Long Overdue fits the bill for when you want to escape with a good mystery. Highly recommended.

Reviews of other titles in this series

By Book or By Crook
Reading up a Storm
Booked For Trouble
Spook in the Stacks
Something Read Something Dead

Reviewed 2020