Heart Broken, Heart Whole
By Ginny McBain
Awestruck Books - Reprinted 2000
ISBN: 1587491427 - e-book format
Contemporary romance - Explicit content

Reviewed by: Amy Mehta, MyShelf.com
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This is the heartwarming story of Amanda and Gray, two college sweethearts that are engaged to be married. Then tragedy strikes, and the engagement is broken. Fast forward 15 years into the future - Amanda is now a single mother dealing with the complications that come with a baby with a heart defect. She must now rely on Gray, who has since become a pediatric cardiologist, and is the only doctor that can help her daughter, Hilary.

This is a tale about second chances, and the mysterious powers of fate in reuniting two people that are meant to be together. It was a very quick read, and although the story is somewhat predictable in plot, the author throws in a few twists and interesting characters that kept the story interesting. Even though I had a good idea of what the ending would be, getting to the end of the book was a very enjoyable journey, and one I would recommend to any devoted fan of romance novels.

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