Moon of Little Winter
By Margaret Marr
NovelBooks, Inc.-August 2002
ISBN: 1591050758 - Paperback
Paranormal Romance

Reviewed by Jen Oliver, MyShelf.Com
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MOON OF LITTLE WINTER is a compelling story that takes the reader to a town whose history is known for witchcraft. The reader is introduced to Chely Austin, who just recently inherited her grandfather's house, and Ty Walker, who believes that half of the land that Chely's grandfather's house belongs to him and his grandmother. While searching for property lines and looking over the house, bodies from a murder that happened years ago are discovered. This reopens an old murder investigation where witchcraft is to blame. Throughout this ordeal, Chely and Ty become closer but Ty is hesitant about letting Chely know his real secret.

The character development of Chely and Ty is wonderful, pulling the reader into the story. The introduction of Ty's grandmother is timely as is the discovery of Ty's true being. The developing romance between Chely and Ty does not feel rushed. The story line of the house, the land, the murder, and Ty's being, is done in a realistic way despite the book being of a paranormal subject.

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