By Deborah Smith
Little, Brown and Company
ISBN: 0316800945 - Hardcover
Romance / Mystery

Reviewed by: Kristie Leigh Maguire,
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The pale pink marble buildings glistened in the sunlight shining through the shadows of the North Carolina mountains like some fairy tale city - or perhaps it was a little slice of heaven that had descended to earth upon the wings of fairies. The Wade family, pushed almost beyond endurance, gazed down upon the vision with awe. They had never seen anything like it in all the poor existence of their lives.

The two little girls, who could have passed for sisters except that one was a little pink white girl and the other was a little pink honey girl, stood in front of the Hardigree Marble Showcase watching the little raggedy family walk into town pushing the old beat up truck packed with their belongings. The truck, with pots and pans and household belongings hanging from every nook and cranny, stopped in front of the Hardigree Marble Showcase - and the two little girls. The little pink white girl had never seen anything like it in all her protected pink existence. The dirty little boy standing by the beat up old truck glared at her, daring her to laugh at him.

The town of Burnt Creek, North Carolina was built from the beautiful pale pink marble dug from beneath the ground surrounding the town. But the pale pink marble had a dusky dark rose streak running through it. Some things are best left uncovered - or are they?

Deborah Smith has created a world that draws you in and won't let you go. It is a world that is full of twists and turns and the haunted past of not only the little pink white girl but of her ancestors as well. Stone Flower Garden is a mystery yet it is a fine love story as well. Will love be able to overcome the shadows of the past?

Kristie Leigh Maguire is the author of Desert Triangle, Emails from the Edge, co-author of No Lady and Her Tramp, contributor to Calliope's Mousepad: Women Writers Online.

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