Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Wings Press
Release Date:  September 2003
ISBN: 1590882016 
Format Reviewed:  e-book printout
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Genre: Suspenseful Romance 
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Jen Oliver 
Reviewer Notes:

Act of Love
By Sophie Simonet 

     A wonderful story that leaves the reader wanting more! Both fans of romance and fans of suspense can get something out of reading this book. This is the gripping story about Eleanor, who gets caught up with the wrong guy. Angel tries to convince Eleanor that he is "the one." Eleanor realizes that she does not wish to have Angel stand by her side. Eleanor eventually meets Emile, who shows her what true love is about. Emile shows everyone what a true act of love is.

     Act of Love is wonderfully written. The reader feels Eleanor's fear and the love that Emile gives her. It is fast-paced, and the plot flows very well. Although the reader may wish that the ending were different, it adds to the suspense of the story. The romance in the story is realistic and not sappy like in some romance novels. The romance is slowly developed throughout the story. It is true to the story and does not take away from the plot.

     If you are a fan of romance or a fan of suspense, pick up a copy of this gripping novel by Sophie Simonet. You will not be disappointed.