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Publisher:  Warner Books
Release Date:  September 2003
ISBN:   0-446-61190-5
Format Reviewed: Advanced reader copy
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Genre:   Contemporary Romance
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Lynda Lukow 
Reviewer Notes: Graphic sexual content-E

Coming Home
By Shirlee Busbee

      Roxanne Ballinger is a world famous cover model who has had enough of the jet-set life. All she wants is to return to Oak Valley, California and lead a normal life in a home of her own.

      Jeb Delaney, a two-time loser, has withdrawn from the game of love. Neither of his ex-wives found contentment married to a rural deputy sheriff who has no aspirations to move up the political ladder or move on to greener pastures.

     The first time the retired model and deputy sheriff meet, their age-old animosity resurfaces. Roxanne has never forgiven Jeb for "busting" back in high school. Jeb is convinced Roxanne's whirlwind success has enlarged the "Princess's" ego.

      Yet whenever Roxanne and Jeb get near each other, the air sizzles. Little time passes before fire ignites, but is their romance destined to burn out before either admits the depth of their love?

      Ms. Busbee welcomes the reader into her characters' world through vivid descriptions. Coming Home contains lust-driven sex and little external conflict for either the hero or heroine. I'd recommend this novel to readers seeking a voyeur's view of "the quiet life."

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