Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Harper Torch 
Release Date: 2003 
ISBN: 0060089296 
Format Reviewed: Paperback 
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Genre: Modern Romance 
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Jen Oliver 
Reviewer Notes:  African-American Romance

Kiss Lonely Goodbye
By Lynn Emery 

     Too few books deal with smart, professional African-Americans and the romances that linger between them. Kiss Lonely Goodbye is one of those few that deals essentially with strong African-Americans and the positive roles that they can play for themselves and each other. Readers are introduced to Nicole Summer Benoit, a strong woman who has just inherited her family's security business, and Marcus Reed, the current vice-president of Summers Security. Is Nicole able to handle the business, especially after some shady things have started to happen? Can she handle her annoying cousin, who is constantly underfoot, to take over the business? Can Nicole and Marcus handle their strong feelings for each other as the business seems to be sabotaged?

     Ms. Emery does an outstanding job of developing positive characters, mixing in romance and mystery with seemingly no problem. Both Nicole and Marcus's characters show the positive side of having a budding romance in the business world, but also show how quickly some can get sidetracked by long time loyalties to childhood friends. This reader finds that it is excellent for having essential an all African-American business and to show that it can succeed, despite adversity on all different fronts.