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Publisher: Avalon Books
Release Date: June 2003
ISBN: 0803495943
Format Reviewed: Hardcover
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Genre: Romance
Reviewed: 2003
Reviewer: Jen Oliver
Reviewer Notes:

The Love Trap
By Fran Shaff  

     This is an exciting new romance from Ms. Shaff, author of Montana Match. The Love Trap introduces the reader to Carly Ross, a work-at-home who has a new loud neighbor, Devin Serrano. Carly attempts to distract Dev from doing his noise makings by attempting to set him up romantically with someone, only to find out that she cares about who he dates.

     Ms. Shaff does a tremendous job of characterizing Carly and Devin, just as she did in Montana Match. She has Devin in a wheelchair due to an accident but does not emphasize that fact except for his physical therapy routines which adds a humane aspect to Devin's character. The chemistry between Carly and Devin jump from the pages and makes the reader excited about reading the next page. The plot is slightly predictable but the predictability does not take away from the excitement that the reader has for reading this enjoyable romance book.

     Ms. Shaff has found her mark in the romance genre of book writing and this reader hopes that she continues the excellent work that she has been doing.

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