Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Avon Trade / HarperCollins
Release Date: Nov 5, 2003
ISBN: 0060549424
Format Reviewed: Trade paperback
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Fiction / African American related
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Susan Johnson
Reviewer Notes:

Always True to you in My Fashion
By Valerie Wilson Wesley

      When a reader picks up a book by Valerie's Wilson Wesley they are generally expecting a good solid mystery featuring her reoccurring character Tamara Hale. Well, consider this fair warning, this book, "Always True to You in My Fashion", is quite a bit different In this book, the author takes a stab at writing a modern day romance.

      At the beginning of the story we find Randall Hollis, an art dealer, who seems to have a serious problem with commitment. After an on again, off again relationship with his girlfriend of over 15 years, the girlfriend has finally had enough. Even though Medora, an artist, is pregnant, she has decided to cut her ties with Randall and raise this child on her own.

      Randall's reaction to this is to quickly replace Medora with Ana-Reese Mitchell, an older wealthy widow, whom he thinks may further his career. But even Ana is not enough for Randall, so he turns to a graduate art student, Taylor Benedict. In this instance, Taylor is hoping that Randall can further her career.

     Eventually all the women discover each other and the sparks fly. The question is, "Will this experience teach Randall the meaning of true love?"

      Although Randall is indeed a true jerk and a rake, I could not help but like him. Each woman was complicated in her own way and added much to the storyline. I do believe that Ms. Wesley will do just fine in her trip onto the romance field.