Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Avon / HarperCollins
Release Date: October 2004
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre:   Historical Romance

Reviewed: 2004

Reviewer Notes: Sexual Content


The Beauty and the Spy
Spies and Lovers, No. 2
By Gayle Callen

   Widowed and bored Charlotte Whittington Sinclair found and read her father's journals and learned that he was a spy. Maybe if she hadn't read the journals she wouldn't have followed the stranger, Nick.

   When she wa discovered hiding in a closet, there wa nothing else for Nick to do but take the girl with him. She has heard entirely too much, and British spy Nick is right in the middle of cornering another spy, one involved in many murders and the passing of secret information.

   Charlotte had never been so scared in her life. Nonetheless, she was determined to prove that she was her father's daughter by being strong, keeping a cool head and planning her escape. After many escape attempts, Charlotte soon came to realize that Nick may have been actually telling the truth, that he was trying to protect her, but that still doesn't change the fact that he had kidnapped her.

   However she craved adventure and she soon fell in love and tried to help Nick and his partner Sam catch the beautiful spy, Julia, the woman suspected of passing information to the enemy.

   With adventure, spies, chaos, and a magnificent tale of love, The Beauty and the Spy makes one terrific read. The plot of this story will keep you totally entertained from cover to cover. With the handsome, courageous hero and the shy, widow-turned-spy heroine, this will be one book you will keep to read again. Although Nick was against falling in love, he couldn't resist Charlotte, with her innocence and her courageous sense of adventure.

    You will meet again Charlotte's sister Jane Whittington and her fiancé William Chadwick, from the book No Ordinary Groom. This is one reviewer who can hardly wait to read the next installment of Spies and Lovers with Sam and Julia's story in the Spring of 2005.