Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Publisher: Warner Books
Release Date: March 1, 2004
ISBN: 0446613746
Format Reviewed: Paperback
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Genre: Contemporary Romance
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Suzie Housley
Reviewer Notes:  

Ms. Simon Says
By Mary McBride

    Shelby Simon is one of Chicago’s hottest advice columnists. Her popularity has made her the target of a notorious letter bomber. With her life in danger, she’s assigned a police bodyguard, but she doesn’t realize how serious the attempts are until her mailman suffers the consequences.

     Lieutenant Mick Callahan is not happy he’s been selected to be providing protection for Shelby. Babysitting a stuck-up advice columnist is not his idea of an ideal assignment. When an attempt is made on her life, he takes the threat seriously and hustles her out of town. The two return to her remote and rural hometown, where Shelby soon finds herself giving free advice to her family.

     Danger, it seems, has followed them home. Death is the prominent smell in the air. Will it succeed in finding its victim?

    Mary McBride’s Ms. Simon Says will keep reader in suspense until the identity of the letter bomber is finally revealed. There were just a few scenes that had me wondering why the author didn’t think them out before including them. One of the greatest mysteries is why the author put Shelby’s family in danger by having her return home. Errors such as this drew my attention away from the overall effect of what could have been a perfect romantic suspense.