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Publisher: Avon/ Harper Collins
Release Date: Nov.2003
ISBN: 0060507594
Format Reviewed: paper back
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Genre: Regency romance
Reviewed: 2004
Reviewer: Barbara Buhrer
Reviewer Notes:  Explicit sex

Wickedly Yours
By Brenda Hiatt

      Sarah Killian arrives in London to find her brother, William, from whom she was separated 8 years ago. They were both to have gone to school, paid for reluctantly by their grandfather.

       Sarah is reluctantly taken in by London relatives who treat her like the poor relation she is. Regardless, she is determined to find William, who had run away from his school and returned to the Seven Dials section of London, from which the two had been rescued years ago. She finds him there as Flute, attached to the hero thief, The Saint of Seven Dials. Hoping to prevent William from returning to a life of crime, Sarah revives her youthful skill of pick-pocketing to gain funds to establish a new Saint.

      Lord Peter Northrup is intrigued by Sarah and persuades her to marry him. They are deeply in love, but Peter is concerned, as Sarah is returning to the habits of her youth. He must find the reason for this so they can reestablish the trust and love they had.

       This is an exciting Regency romance with two delightful protagonists. The supporting characters are well depicted, from the obnoxious cousin and her daughters to Peter's loyal friends. The bond between Sarah and William is heartwarming in its strength. The plot is well constructed and plausible, with a successful picture of the manners, dress and morals of the period. The description of the inhabitants and of the atmosphere of Seven Dials section gives the reader the feeling of being there.