Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Journey Home

By Mary Jo Putney, Rebecca York, Patricia Rice, Candice Kohl, Mallory Kane, Linda Madl, CB Scott, Lucy Grijalva, Diane Chamberlain, and Catherine Asaro

      There are many factors that appealed to me when I first heard about The Journey Home. One of the things that captured my attention was the fact the names of the authors who came together to write this memorable book. These are names that make up some of the great legends of the romance industry of today. The anthology is a generous collection of ten highly addictive tales. Each incredible story reached far and deep into my soul and found emotions that I thought were long buried. The deep impact they provided me is a true bit of magic. I found myself so caught up in some of these stories even now, weeks later from reading them last that I still remember the characters, and the challenges they faced and overcome. I applaud everyone who contributed to the great success of this book.

     Each one of the ten stories shares one common element-a wounded hero. He is defined as "a man who does what he must. The soldier who risks his life for his beliefs, his family, his country. It's about the man who goes to war and discovers, when it's over, he's a different man---and maybe he isn't certain who or what he's become." Then we see the woman who has the courage to love him and stand by his side. His wounds are invisible to her, for in her eyes he is perfect.

      For years I have been a long time advocate of books that feature disabled characters that overcome challenging obstacles. I have read thousands of books on this subject in my career as a book reviewer and also as an avid reader. Each new book that I discover finds a special place in my heart and keeper shelf. Words cannot adequately describe the masterpiece of this heartfelt book. I give it my all time highest rating and recommendation.

The Book

Imajinn Books
December, 2004
More at 


NOTE: A portion of the authors' royalties from the sale of this book is being donated to Support Our Soldiers America, Inc., a non-profit organization dedicated to providing much-needed support for our brave men and women in uniform.

The Reviewer

Suzie Housley
Reviewed 2005
© 2005