Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Naked Truth

by Beverly Brandt, Alesia Holliday, Donna Kauffman, Erin McCarthy

      Men are hard to understand on a good day. Taking the next step in a serious relationship is a commitment that is often met with heartbreak and stays fresh in your mind a long time. Once you experience it, you will be hesitant to try it again. Four leading voices of romance have centered their stories on women who are unsure if it is the right time to let love come into their lives. These four selections are some of the best writing I have yet to experience in an anthology.

"In the Winning Truth" by Erin McCarthy is the first offering that features a witty comedy with a host of memorable characters. Tansey Reynolds has sworn off men until she can get her life in better order. Too bad her hormones didn't listen to her promise; they go raging out of control whenever she sees a sexy man. To help put an end to her celibacy, she enters a contest where the prize is a new car or twenty-five thousand dollars. The rules are simple: one must be the last person with the will power to stay in the car. Her competition is the all-too-handsome J.T., a chick named Brenda and a guy named Jay. Tansey finds herself in the temptation zone when she is put in the back seat with J.T. The sexual tension begins instantly and with a crowd looking on, it is hard to concentrate on why they are both there.

Alesia Holliday's "The Naked Truth" is a captivating story that revolves around columnist C.J. Murphy who writes a famous column called 'The Naked Truth About Guys." Its success has gained her many devoted fans who shower her with unusual fan mail. But there is one whose attention she has yet to gain, Investigator Report Hugh. He only sees her as one of the guys and never at her true potential as a woman. She decides to undergo a makeover in hopes of changing his mind. Will it be enough to make him see what he has been missing?

Donna Kauffman is an author I am very familiar with. Several of her books are on my keeper shelf. "Truth or Dare" is just another shining example of this author's remarkable talent. Bailey Madison is a well-known soap opera writer. Doing the unexpected is her specialty. She decides to take a break from her normal job and accepts a position as a biographical ghostwriter working for billionaire Franklin Dent. The job offers her the challenge she has been craving until she discovers that her ex-boyfriend Noah also works for Franklin. Their paths seem to cross often. With each encounter their attraction grows. Will this be the opportunity to rekindle their relationship and take another chance at love?

Last but definitely not least is Beverly Brandt's "Nothing But The Truth." Madison Case is the host of the popular reality show called Rules of Engagement. The current theme is a marriage marathon. It takes Madison back to memories of her failed six-month marriage which ended when her husband declared he didn't love her and married her sister instead. Now her sister suspects Jeff is cheating on her. She confides in Madison and asks for her help. When Madison runs into Jeff's divorce attorney, she fears her sister's prediction is about to come true, but there is something about the lawyer that makes her want to know the whole truth.

Single women world wide, this is the book for you. It can be read in its entirety or savored one story at a time. Whichever method you choose, you can be assured that you will be satisfied. These fresh new stories put a nice twist on the zany world of love, relationships, and commitments. Three words you don't often hear spoken in the same sentence.

The Book

November 1, 2005
Trade Paperback
Contemporary Romance / Chick Lit
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The Reviewer

Suzie Housley
Reviewed 2005
© 2005