Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Finding Nick
Silhouette Special Edition 1772

by Janis Reams Hudson

      Reviewers Note:
September 11, 2001, a day that is forever imprinted into every American’s memory. It was the day that all of America suffered a great personal loss. For the thousands who lost their lives on that sad day, know that your memory will always live on.

Nick Carlucci knew at a young age that he was destined to be a firefighter since the career was a family tradition. Through his father, he recognized the courage it took to work in such a dangerous career. For him and his brother there was no other job they had ever wanted. It was assumed that they would carry on the family tradition. One of the proudest days in Nick’s life was the day he turned his lifelong dream into a reality by accepting a position with the New York Fire Department (NYFD). September 11, 2001 started out as a normal day. Nick was off duty when he received the page that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. He knew such a devastating blow would require all the help that the NYFD could send out and then more. He made the decision to go to the scene and provide his assistance; in the back of his mind he worried about the safety of his father and brother, who were working on that horrific day.

Arriving upon the scene was like watching a scene from a horror movie. There was so much death and destruction. His training quickly kicked in and he ran to a pile of rubble and started digging. Through his efforts, he was able to find a Port Authority Police Officer buried among the rubble. Dishearteningly, his efforts were not enough to save him; with a few mumbled words he took his last breath. His face is one that Nick would always remember. It took every amount of courage to turn his back on him and leave him where he last lived. He refused to give in to the despair that was threatening his sanity, for he knew others needed his help. When Nick spied a heavy beam hanging haphazardly, he noticed the seven firefighters who were unaware they were in the path of its destruction. Out of sheer will and courage, he ran towards them yelling at them to move out of the way. His shouts alerted them to the danger but his act of bravery placed him in immediate danger. Pain and agony suddenly filled his body, and then blackness engulfed him, releasing him into a peaceful existence.

As a lasting tribute to her father who lost his life in the World Trade Center bombing, New York Reporter Shannon Malloy was writing a book to capture all the heroes on that fateful day. Her book would not be complete unless she included former NYFD Nick Carlucci and his heroic story. Nick refused her phone calls and her request for an interview had been ignored. In desperation she tracked him to where he had been staying in the quiet town of Tribute, Texas. Tribute was far from the bright lights and fast life of New York. She was puzzled why a native New Yorker would choose to live in such a quiet place. She easily located Nick through his job as a janitor at the local high school. Through her research, she learned how Nick miraculously was able to overcome the doctors’ grim diagnosis that he would never walk again. When she confronted him, she was determined she would not leave without her story.

Through Finding Nick, Janis Reams Hudson has captured the emotions of September 11, 2001 and the after effects. Her words are filled with emotion that will have you reaching for the Kleenex. So many times I had to lay my book down and wipe my eyes, it truly was a heart felt reading experience. This is truly a beautiful book that has been thoroughly researched to provide the reader maximum reading pleasure. Highest regards to a book that is so worthy of many awards. Very highly recommended.

The Book

August 1, 2006
Series Romance
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Suzie Housley
Reviewed 2006
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