Another Review at MyShelf.Com

The Pajama Girls of Lambert Square

by Rosina Lippi

      The Pajama Girls of Lambert Square is a contemporary romance set in the small town of Lamb’s Corner in the heart of the South. The inhabitants of Lamb’s Corner are a captivating bunch and The Pajama Girls of Lambert Square is an alluring read.

John Dodge is a businessman who buys failing businesses and turns them into successes. Once he has completed that task he moves on to the next business venture, the next town, never settling in one town for longer than a couple of years.

Robert Lee Cowper is retiring and sells his small business, Scrivener’s, which hasn’t made a profit of any kind in years, to John Dodge. Scrivener’s is a small shop that specializes in collectible pens, as well as other writing instruments, and is located in historic Lamb’s Corner.

Julia Darrow moved to Lamb's Corner from Chicago five years ago after her husband’s death. She is the president of the Merchants Cooperative. She owns a profitable business, "Cocoon" (specializing in fine linens and designer pajamas), and fosters rescue dogs.

Julia wears designer pajamas all day, every day and is perfectly content to never leave Lambert Square. It is Julia crossing Lambert Square in her pajamas that catches John Dodge's attention. When Julia returns his interest they begin a relationship with no strings attached and no questions asked. It doesn’t take long for Dodge to see that Julia is harboring some pretty big secrets. But then John Dodge has a few secrets of his own.

Will Dodge turn Scrivener’s around in the fourteen month period of time he has allotted for it and move on? Or are John Dodge’s roving days coming to an end? Is it possible that at the tender age of forty Dodge is ready to plant some roots and curb his roving ways?

The Book

G.P. Putnam's Sons / Published by the Penquin Group
February 14, 2008
Contemporary Romance
More at

The Reviewer

Connie Harris
Reviewed 2008
© 2008