Another Review at MyShelf.Com

A Dark Love

by Margaret Carroll


Caroline Moross has escaped her marriage to Dr Porter Moross, a Freudian analyst who is a controlling psychopath. She finds refuge in a tiny mountain town in Colorado as Alice Stevens. There she meets divorced former pro football player Ken Kincaid.

She lives in fear that Moross will somehow find her, so she is reluctant to trust in the future of the attraction they feel for each other.

Moross abandons his career over his compulsive efforts to find his wife. He is relentless in his search and will not rest until he finds her. Ultimately there is a confrontation with tragic results.

A Dark Love is a fast paced story. It is well written with realistic characters. Moross is terrifying in his search for Caroline. The plot is gripping, filled with suspense, with the reader not knowing when and how Moross will succeed. The climax is unexpected and the ending satisfying to the reader.

The Book

Avon / HarperCollins
August 25, 2009
Mass Market paperback
Romantic suspense
More at

The Reviewer

Barbara Buhrer
Reviewed 2009
© 2009