Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Ten Things I Love About You

By Julia Quinn

      Readers who enjoyed Julia Quinn's 2009 novel What Happens In London (reviewed on ) should appreciate her newest book, Ten Things I Love About You, which takes place one year later with many of the same characters. Also like the previous novel, this whimsical story takes on some serious issues, including war, rape, violence, and infidelity, yet still manages to remain light-hearted fun most of the time.

Lady Olivia Bevelstoke (now Lady Valentine), Sir Harry Valentine, Edward Valentine, Lord Newbury, and (most importantly) their cousin Sebastian Grey all return from the previous novel for prominent positions in this delightful new romance. This time, it's Sebastian's turn to meet the woman of his dreams. But when a confirmed bachelor and womanizing scoundrel actually meets a lovely young innocent whom he fancies, what's a gentleman to do about it? Even Sebastian has a code of ethics – of sorts.

Unfortunately for Sebastian, and Annabel Winslow, the woman with whom he's smitten, she is committed to an arranged marriage with his wealthy uncle, the crude and corpulent Lord Newbury. Now Annabel finds herself with a distressing dilemma: Should she marry Sebastian for love and forget about her impoverished seven siblings or should she marry Lord Newbury whom she detests and ensure that her siblings have funds for proper schooling?

This breezy romance full of humor and whimsy allows Annabel plenty of time to make her decision. However, most logical readers will ask themselves three questions. 1.Why didn't Annabel immediately express her financial concerns to Sebastian? 2.When he finally learns of her concerns, why didn't Sebastian inform her that he secretly earns great wealth from writing Gothic novels under a pen name? 3.Why do these characters break down so many issues into tiresome lists? Ten Things I Love About You is an overall good read that makes a wonderful companion to What Happens in London.



The Book

Avon Books/HarperCollinsPublishers
May 25, 2010
Mass Market Paperback
Romance – Historical (England, 1822)
More at
NOTE: Sexuality, Violence

The Reviewer

Leslie Halpern
Reviewed 2010
© 2010