Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Guarding a Notorious Lady
Olivia Parker

Avon Books / HarperCollins
May 31, 2011/ ISBN 978-0-06-198840-0
Historical Romance / Regency London

Reviewed by Linda Young

Lady Rosalind Devine prides herself on secretly being a matchmaker. She is constantly meddling and snooping which is why her brother, Gabriel, refuses to leave her to her own devices while on his wedding trip. He secretly hires longtime friend, Nicholas Kincaid, to watch and protect her while he’s gone. This becomes even more important after hearing about a wager on who can wed her first among the eligible bachelors of the ton. The only thing is, he tells Rosalind she will have an unknown shadow following and watching out for her, but she will not know who it is. Rosalind is outraged upon hearing this and is determined to find out who her protector is.

Nicholas Kincaid agreed to guard his best friend’s sister, but her mischievous ways are making him question that decision. However, her spirit and passion cause a desire to grow in Nicholas that he can hardly control, one that began long ago as he watched her blossom into woman. Unknown to him, Rosalind has been in love with him for years. He is the reason that she has yet to marry. Now that he seems to be hanging around she decides to pursue him relentlessly. She is determined to make him hers.

This was truly a good story. However, I was somewhat disappointed with the ending. It was like Parker decided at the last minute to add a little suspense. Although there is one man that becomes determined to steal Rosalind away, it’s not until the very end that the true action takes place. To my way of thinking, it should have been built upon more during the story. Other than that, I loved the characters and the heated tension between them. I still recommend this book as a good read.

Reviewer's Note: Sexual content
Reviewed 2011
© 2011