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The Taming of Annabelle
Six Sisters – Book II
M C Beaton

Robinson (Constable and Robinson)
15 March 2012 / ISBN 9781849014861
Regency Romance / 1811, London and environs
Amazon US - UK

Reviewed by Rachel A Hyde

The impecunious but numerous Armitages have managed to get their eldest daughter betrothed, but there are five others. Of these only one, Annabelle, is old enough for marrying off and there is indeed a young man who has taken on interest in her. But she has fallen head-over-heels in love with Lord Sylvester;what a pity that he is already betrothed to her sister…

Nobody, not even the late, great Georgette Heyer, does Regency romance quite like Ms Beaton. She has the right, light hand for it and manages to combine an impressive knowledge of the period with more than a dash of genuinely funny humor. This is an excellent portrait of a young woman in the throes of puppy love, with all the single-mindedness, selfishness and downright foolishness shown in sharp detail. All this makes for a very enjoyable story for us to laugh at and shake our (older and wiser) heads over. Ms Beaton does not do explicitly sexual Regencies, but you can learn more about the period reading this than most of those, including the way young women of a certain class were expected to behave. Readers of the first book can expect a very different story, as well as more about the series characters who we will know well by the end of the sextet and plenty of Lady Goldolphin's malapropisms. Very highly recommended to all true Regency fans, and at least we won't have to wait long for the rest of the series.

Reviewed 2012