Another Review at MyShelf.Com

Running Against the Tide
Joanna Barnden

 Robert Hale
January 31, 2013/ ISBN: 13:9780719807404

Reviewed by Rachel A. Hyde

Virginia Marcombe is a merchant’s daughter, and as her father has no son she gets to help him run the business.  The new century is bringing change, and the West India Dock is being built but although this might mean more money for the Marcombes it could mean the end for many lightermen.  One such man is young Edward Allerdice, an apprentice lighterman, who meets Virginia one day when he rows her and her father out to look at the new developments. It is love at first sight with the pair, but there is a vast social divide between them. 

Most of the romances set at this time I read are about high society and the London Season; this one is about star crossed lovers across the classes.  I liked the unusual setting of the docks and the chance to read about more ordinary folk, who work for a living.  It is entertaining enough reading about the love affair of the protagonists as well as the various tangles their families and friends get into, but largely missing is the main reason I enjoy historical fiction  a sense of time and place. I felt most of the time that we could have been in any large British city with a dockside at any point in the 19th century, and apart from one mention of Napoleon, nothing placed it in 1800.  I wanted to learn more about it all, but anybody who enjoys a traditional romance ought to enjoy the story, which does manage to convince the reader the protagonists are in love, something many other romances (even ones with lots of historical detail) manage to miss.

Reviewed 2013